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There are 19 web-links under your selected category "Cultural practices"!

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DPW. Backyard composting. http:/ / dpw.lacounty.gov/ epd/ sg/ bc.cfm 
Colorado State University Cooperative Extension. Choosing a soil amendment. http:/ / www.ext.colostate.edu/ pubs/ garden/ 07235.html 
Composting 101. Composting guide for home gardener. http:/ / www.composting101.com/ how-it-works.html 
CTHAR. Cover crops and green manures. http:/ / www2.ctahr.hawaii.edu/ sustainag/ Database.asp 
Cyclopedia of American Agriculture. Crop management. http:/ / www.tumbledownfarm.com/ texts/ Cyclopedia/ Cyclopedia_II_V_Outline.html 
Garden Organic. Crop rotation. http:/ / www.gardenorganic.org.uk/ schools_organic_network/ leaflets/ CropRotation.pdf 
Dr. Michael Peel, NDSU. Crop rotations for increased productivity. http:/ / www.ag.ndsu.edu/ pubs/ plantsci/ crops/ eb48-1.htm#intro 
Coffee Board of India. Cropping practices. India coffee planter?s handbook. http:/ / www.indiacoffee.org/ planter/ agronomic.htm 
NC State University Cultural control. http:/ / www.cals.ncsu.edu/ course/ ent425/ text19/ cultural.html 
FAO. Green manure, Crotalaria juncea L. http:/ / www.fao.org/ ag/ AGP/ AGPC/ doc/ GBASE/ DATA/ PF000475.HTM 

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