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key visual: online information service for Non-chemical Pest Management in the Tropics

There are 3 web-links under your selected category "Rodents"!


descending Organization: descending  descending Description: descending  ascending Link: ascending 
Department of Agriculture, Philippines. Management of field rats. http:/ / www.darfu4b.da.gov.ph/ pdffilesdata/ Rats%20field%20management.pdf 
Rice Knowledge Bank. Rice Doctor. Rice field rat. http:/ / www.knowledgebank.irri.org/ RiceDoctor/ index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=605&Itemid=2813 
NETAFIM. Rodent management strategies. http:/ / www.netafimusa.com/ files/ literature/ agriculture/ other-literature/ maintenance/ A098-Rodent-Management.pdf 

 to the top        PAN Germany, OISAT; Email oisat@pan-germany.org