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Facknath, S. 2000 Integrated pest management of Plutella xylostella. University of Mauritius.
FADINAP. 2000 Integrated plant nutrition systems: Training manual. FADINAP Rural Development Section, ESCAP, Population and Rural and Urban Development Division. United Nations Building, Rajdamnern Avenue, Bangkok 10200, Thailand. pp. 115- 117
FADINAP. 2000 Integrated plant nutrition systems. Training Manual. FADINAP/ PRUDD/RDS. http://www.fadinap.org/ipns/srilanka/ipnsmanual/toc.htm
Fan, X. 1995 Fish culture in rice fields: Rice–fish symbiosis. The International Development Research Center. http://www.idrc.ca/books/focus/776/xiaofan.html
FAO. 2001 Developing farming systems and best practices for drought prone areas. http://www.fao.org/DOCREP/005/AC120E/AC120e15.htm
Fatokum, C.; Tarawali, C.; Singh, B.; Kormata, P.; Tamo, M., editors. 2000 Challenges and opportunities for enhancing sustainable cowpea production. Proceedings of the World Cowpea Conference III held in International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA). Ibadan, Nigeria.
Gilberg, L. editor. 1993 Garden pests and diseases. Sunset books. Sunset Publishing Corporation, California.
Hanson, P.; et. al. 2001 Publications and fact sheets on tomato. AVRDC. http://netra.avrdc.org.tw/LC/tomato/publications.html
Hasse, V. 1986 Introducing plant protection to cotton farmers in the Philippines. Second International Conference on Plant Protection in the Tropics. Malaysian Plant Protection Society, Kuala Lumpur.
Hasse, V. 1987 Cotton. No 1- 2. Philippine- German Cotton Project, Department of Agriculture. Manila, Philippines

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