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Principles. Crops. Pests. Control methods Library. Links.
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We have 74 titles under your selected category "Crops"!
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Ellis, B.; Bradley, F. 1996 The organic gardener's handbook of natural insect and disease control. Rodale Press. Emmaus, Pennsylvania.
Olkowski, W.; Daar, S.; Olkowski, H. 1995 The gardener?s guide to common- sense pest control. The Taunton Press. USA.
Rehm, S.; Espig, G. 2000 The cultivated plants of the tropics and the subtropics. Verlag Josef Margraf Scientific Books. Berlin.
Gold, C.; Messiaen, S. 2000 The banana weevil. Musa Pest Fact Sheet No. 4. INIBAP, France.
ICIPE. 2003. The African fruit fly programme. CD. Rom. 2000 - 2003 ICIPE Scientific Report. International Center for Insect Physiology and Entomology, Nairobi, Kenya
Zeiss, M.; den Braber, K. 2001 Tea IPM ecological guide. A trainers' reference guide on crop development, major agronomic practices, and disease and insect management in small- holders' tea cultivation in northern Vietnam. CIDSE, Vietnam.
Shanmugasumdaran, S. 2001 Suggested cultural practices for onion. Edited by T. Kalb. AVRDC Training Guide, AVRDC.
Upfold. R.; Olechowski, H. 1994 Soybean production. Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Publication 173. Queen’s Printer for Ontario, Toronto, ON.
Plant biology index. 2002 Sorghum. http://plant.ucr.edu/list.asp?kbegin=S
Presbitero, A. 2003 Soil erosion studies on steep slopes of humid- tropic Philippines. Griffith University, Australia.

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