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key visual: online information service for Non-chemical Pest Management in the Tropics

We have 79 titles under your selected category "Plants with pest controlling properties"!
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Agroecology Research Group. 2000 Corn- Bean- Squash Intercrop in Mexico. http://www.agroecology.org/cases/cornbeansquash.htm
ATTRA. 2003 Plants that attract beneficials. http://attra.ncat.org/attra- pub/farmscaping/fsappendixa.html
Basta, A.; Spooner- Hart, R. 2003 Efficacy of an extract of Dorrigo pepper (Tasmannia stipitata ) against two- spotted mite and greenhouse thrips. Spray Oils Beyond 2000: Sustainable Pest and Disease Management. eds: G.A.C. Beattie and D.M. Watson. ACIAR.Canberra.
Beattie, A. et.al. 2002 Evaluation of rapeseed- based plant oils for control of citrus leafminer and their phytotoxicity to lemon. In: Spray Oils Beyond 2000. University of Western Sydney.
Bodnar, J. 1997 Garlic Production. Ministry of Agriculture and Food. Ontario. http://www.gov.on.ca/OMAF/english/crops/facts/97- 007.htm
Braun, M. 1997 IPM Training Manual. Tanzanian- German IPM Project, GTZ, PPD, Shinyaga, Tanzania.
Brooklyn Botanic Garden. 1999 Natural insect control: The ecological gardener's guide to foiling pests. Handbook # 139. Brooklyn Botanic Garden, Inc. Washington Avenue, Brooklyn, NY.
CABI. 2001 Crop protection compendium. Global module, 3rd edition. CAB International Publishing. Wallingford, UK.
CABI. 2000 Crop protection compendium. Global module, 2nd edition. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, UK.
CABI. 2004 Crop protection compendium. 2004 Edition. CAB International Publishing. Wallingford, UK.

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