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We have 79 titles under your selected category "Plants with pest controlling properties"!
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Litsinger, J.; Price, E.; Herrera, G. 1978 Filipino farmers’ use of plant parts to control rice insect pests. International Rice Research Newsletter. Vol. 3. No. 5.
Makumbi, H. 1996 Ifoam '96 Book of Abstracts. 11th IFOAM Scientific Conference, 11- 15 August 1996, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Martineau, J. 1994 MSDS for Azatin- EC biological insecticide. AgriDyne Technologies, Inc.
Matthews, G.; Tunstall, J., eds. 1994 Insect pests of cotton. CABI International, UK.
McIndoo, I. 1982 Plant species reportedly possessing pest control properties An EWC/UH Database, University of Hawaii.
Morton, J. 1987 Custard apple. In: Fruits of warm climates. Julia F. Morton, Miami, FL.
National Research Council. 1992 Neem: A tree for solving global problems. National Academy Press. Washington, DC.
O’neil, R.; Canas, L. 2000 The use of sugar solutions to enhance the impact of predators of fall armyworm in maize. Department of Entomology, Purdue University. West Lafayette, USA.
Olkowski, W.; Daar, S.; Olkowski, H. 1991 Common sense - pest control. The Taunton Press. USA.
Olkowski, W.; Daar, S.; Olkowski, H. 1995 The gardener?s guide to common- sense pest control. The Taunton Press. USA.

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