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We have 43 titles under your selected category "Traditional pest management"!
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Shepard, B.; Barrion, A.; Litsinger, J. 1987 Helpful insects, spiders, and pathogens. International Rice Research Institute. Manila, Philippines.
Reissig, W.; Heinrichs, E.; Litsinger, J.; Moody, K.; Fiedler, L.; Mew, T.; Barrion, A. 1986 Illustrated guide to integrated pest management in rice in tropical Asia. IRRI. Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines.
PCARRD. 1981 The Philippines recommends for corn. Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines.
Stoll, G. 2000 Natural Crop Protection in the Tropics Margraf Verlag. Weikersheim.
Traunfeld, J.; Malinoski, M. 2000 IPM Series: Tomatoes. Maryland Cooperative Extension, University of Maryland. Home and Garden Mimeo # HG56.
Upfold. R.; Olechowski, H. 1994 Soybean production. Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Publication 173. Queen’s Printer for Ontario, Toronto, ON.
PCARRD 1979 The Philippines recommends for potato. Philippine Council for Agriculture Resources Research. Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines
Katembwe, M. 2003 Natural control of pests and diseases. PRTC. Kumba, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo.
Ellis, B.; Bradley, F. 1996 The organic gardener's handbook of natural insect and disease control. Rodale Press. Emmaus, Pennsylvania.
Gilberg, L. editor. 1993 Garden pests and diseases. Sunset books. Sunset Publishing Corporation, California.

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