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key visual: online information service for Non-chemical Pest Management in the Tropics

We have 43 titles under your selected category "Traditional pest management"!
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FAO. 2001 Developing farming systems and best practices for drought prone areas. http://www.fao.org/DOCREP/005/AC120E/AC120e15.htm
HDRA. 2002 Cutworms, Family Noctuidae http://www.hdra.org.uk/cgi- bin/countlink.cgi?www.hdra.org.uk/pdfs/international_programme/TPC12- Cutworm.pdf
CABI. 2001 Crop protection compendium. Global module, 3rd edition. CAB International Publishing. Wallingford, UK.
CABI. 2000 Crop protection compendium. Global module, 2nd edition. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, UK.
CABI. 2004 Crop protection compendium. 2004 Edition. CAB International Publishing. Wallingford, UK.
Agroecology Research Group. 2000 Corn- Bean- Squash Intercrop in Mexico. http://www.agroecology.org/cases/cornbeansquash.htm
Olkowski, W.; Daar, S.; Olkowski, H. 1991 Common sense - pest control. The Taunton Press. USA.
CIKS. 2000 Bollworm control in cotton. Center for Indian Knowledge Systems. Chennai, India. Pesticide Post. Vol. 8, No 6.
Van Mele, P.; Cuc, NTT. 2003 Ants as friends: Improving your tree crops with weaver ants. CABI Commodities and Cenicafé.

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