Preventive Control
Natural enemies
- Cotesia
- Diadegma
- Trichogramma
- Lacewing
- Hoverfly
- Minute pirate bug
- Spider
- Birds
Practice regular plant monitoring. The general
economic threshold level is: in 60 randomly sampled plants with 1 larva found per plant, a recommended control measure is necessary (Cornell University, 1995).
Management and cultural practices
- Practice crop rotation. Do not plant members of the crucifer family (cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower) for 2 consecutive seasons on
the same area to prevent serious damage from pests and diseases.
- Practice intercropping. Plant plots of cabbage between other crops that are not hosts to DBM so that DBM will have difficulty finding its favored crops. Planting rows of tomatoes alternately with rows of cabbage reduces damage. Planting mustard as trap crops every 15 rows of cabbage reduces attack (HDRA, 2000). Bold seeded Indian mustard could also be sown densely all around the area 10 days before the crucifers are planted. The plants attract up to 80% DBM (IPM Bulletin of Pest Management, Undated). However, monitor trap crops frequently so as to control DBM before it can transfer to the main crop. Unattended trap crops can generate large populations of DBM. Care is needed to manage intercrops in order
to use them as part of a control practice (Shelton; et. al., 1995).
- Transplant only healthy seedlings, which are free of DBM eggs, caterpillars, and damage from other insects.
- Plant cabbage on the beginning of rainy season. DBM activities are deterred by rain.
- Use sprinkle irrigation in the late afternoon to limit the activity of adults.
- Plow-under or remove and dispose all crop residues properly after harvest. This will disrupt any pest lifecycle.