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Principles. Crops. Pests. Control methods Library. Links.
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Curative control

Pest controlling plants

  1. Eupatorium
  2. Neem
  3. Purging cotton

Physical control

  1. Handpick snails early in the morning or late afternoon. Crush them or feed them to chickens and ducks. Snails are a good source of protein for humans but they must be properly cooked before eating. Never eat them raw and rare. Visit the apple snail website for recipes; http://www.applesnail.net/content/various/eating_snails.htm
  2. Install 5 mm metal mesh screens at the water inlets. It lessens the entry into your rice fields of snails that come from the adjacent fields and irrigation canal. Trapped snails are easy to collect.
  3. Erect bamboo or wooden stakes sporadically inside your field before and after transplanting. The stakes (or any erect objects) serve as the egg-laying sites of the females. Remove all the stakes that are laden with eggs.
  4. Construct a small canal (25 cm wide and five cm deep) along the bunds and/or within the paddy. The snails usually congregate in still water. Drain the water to collect the snails.
  5. During the last harrowing, make depressed strips (5 cm deep) to retain a small amount of water. Provide a distance of 10 - 15 meters between the strips. The snails congregate in these areas, which make them easy to collect.
  6. Herd ducks into the paddy to prey on snails and other insects, once the water is drained.

Other methods

  1. Surround seedbed with plant ash and/or wood shavings or saw dusts
 to the top        PAN Germany, OISAT; Email oisat@pan-germany.org