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Scientific name: Datura stramonium
Synonym: Angel's trumpet, Devil's trumpet, Jamestown weed, Stinkweed, Thorn apple

picture discription
Photo courtesy of Dr. James Altland
Oregon State University


Cultivated and non-cultivated areas

Affected crops

Corn, sorghum, cotton, legumes, potato, banana, and other summer crops


The stem is smooth, pale-green, and fully branched. The leaves are irregularly cut and toothed, egg-shaped, and with green or purplish coloration. The flowers are white or purple and funnel-shaped. The fruit is green, oval, hard, and spiny. Each fruit may contain about 100 seeds. The seed is black and kidney-shaped.

Effects and impacts

Jimsonweed competes with sunlight, moisture, and soil nutrients. It slows down harvesting operation. All parts are highly poisonous. It is advisable to pull the weeds once spotted on the field.

Studies show that the weed is found to be resistant to Atrazine on solanaceous crops (tomato, pepper, eggplant, potato, etc) in some fields in Indiana, USA (Weed Science, 2005).

Methods of control

  1. Proper seed selection.
  2. Proper soil tillage or thorough land preparation by plowing and harrowing.
  3. Regular plant monitoring.
  4. Field surrounding should be free of weeds.
  5. Hand weeding before the weeds start to set seeds. Once matured, they are difficult to pull by hand as the stems become woody.

External links


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