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Scientific name: Chenopodium album
Synonyms: Common lambsquarter, White goosefoot, Fat hen

picture discription
Photo courtesy of Randall Prostak
University of Massachusetts


Cultivated areas mostly rich in nitrogen

Affected crops

Corn, soybean, potato, and other agricultural crops




The leaves are light-green, narrow, with almost parallel sides, and diamond-shaped. The undersides are covered with white powder. The flowers are green, tiny, without petals, and located at the tip of the branches. The flowers' undersides are also covered with white powder. Each plant can produce up to 75,000 seeds.

This weed is easily mistaken as pigweed and vice-versa.

Effects and impacts

Lambsquarter is an alternate host to beet leafhoppers that transmit viruses.

The leaves are eaten as vegetable and the seeds are a good source of protein when prepared as hot cereals or baked goods.

Studies show that Lambsquarters are found to be resistant to Atrazine, Metribuzin, Thifensulfuron-methyl, Simazine, Cyanazine at some corn, soybean, and potato farms, croplands, and orchards in some parts of Europe and USA (Weed Science, 2005).

Methods of control

  1. Proper seed selection
  2. Through land preparation
  3. Proper weed management. The weed is easy to pull as it is shallow rooted.
  4. Regular plant monitoring

External links


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