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Mosaic virus

Synonyms: Tomato mosaic virus, cassava mosaic virus, soybean mosaic virus, cucumber mosaic virus, tomato fern leaf virus
Causal organism: Virus


Tomato, pepper, potato and other solanaceous, cucumber, melons, squash and other cucurbits, beans, cassava are the ones most affected but it will also infect several crops

Affected plant stages

All growth stages

Affected plant parts

Leaves and fruits


The common symptom of an infected plant is alternating spots of yellowish and light or dark green (mottle) leaves. The mottled areas often appear thicker and somewhat elevated giving the leaves a blister-like appearance. Other symptoms include curling and yellowing of the leaves, stunted growth, and malformed fruits.

Factors that favor development

  1. Infected seeds and planting materials
  2. Presence of insect pests such as aphids, beetles, and grasshoppers
  3. Infected crop debris left on the field

Prevention and control

    There is no known method to control viral disease. The following are the recommended preventive control measures;
  1. Field sanitation.
  2. Use of resistant cultivars.
  3. During transplanting, refrain from smoking and must wash hands thoroughly with soap and water.
  4. Control aphids and other plant sucking insect pests that can spread the disease.
  5. Removal and proper disposal of the infected plants. Never transplant where the diseased plant was removed. Wash hands with soap and water before tending the healthy plants.
  6. Removal of weeds.
  7. After a heavy viral infection, plow the field and fallow the area.
  8. Ask for assistance from your local agricultural office for proper advice.

External links


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